Radio Silence Off the Grid Book 1 eBook Alyssa Cole

Radio Silence Off the Grid Book 1 eBook Alyssa Cole
This was an entertaining and quick read. However, if you're looking for the type of dystopian fiction with romantic elements - one that lean to the literary side of the equation, this book is not for you. It's a genre romance book. Romance is the focus, and the outside circumstances skirt along the edges of it and are not delved into in any descriptive or interior way outside of how the main characters feel about their circumstances. Which is why I could not give it a higher rating. I felt it lacked balance. Like the dystopian crisis was simply a hook or window dressing to give the illusion the book was something more than it is. That doesn't mean it's not worth your time. Just know that this a genre romance book with a predictable end. The romance is the center of the story. Not the external circumstances.My verdict = 3.9 (story and technique)

Tags : Radio Silence (Off the Grid Book 1) - Kindle edition by Alyssa Cole. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Radio Silence (Off the Grid Book 1).,ebook,Alyssa Cole,Radio Silence (Off the Grid Book 1),Carina Press
Radio Silence Off the Grid Book 1 eBook Alyssa Cole Reviews
Enemies to lovers M/F romance between an African-American woman and a Korean-American man in a remote cabin after a total power outage across... well, it's not clear how widespread it is, due to the lack of communications, and that's part of why it's so scary. No one knows what happened. Arden and her roommate John leave on foot from Rochester towards the family property near the Canadian border. Gabriel, his physician older brother, saves them from a scavenger attack, but blames Arden for John being injured.
Now they're all holed up together, along with John and Gabe's teenage sister, wondering whether life will ever be the same again, and also why John and Gabe's parents haven't returned from a trip to see the neighbors. It's four people living with increasing stress and uncertainty, Gabe and Arden reluctantly admitting their mutual attraction, and disturbing signs that something bad happened to Gabe and John's parents, who should have been back from visiting the neighbors by now.
Solid near-post-apocalypse suspense with a deep compassion for its characters when they make even dangerous mistakes. Which they do, because no one's perfect in the post-apocalypse.
3.5 stars
Arden and her best friend John have been walking food days if not weeks to find their way to John’s family home. The power went out and all hell is breaking loose. No one knows anything, Arden has no idea if her older parents in California are ok and people are loosing all sense of civility. And, right when they think they’re close, they are blindsided by 2 men trying to steal their stuff. They’re saved by John’s brother, Gabriel, and thus they’re cobbled family is made almost whole. If only Arden would not be inconveniently attracted to this man who thinks she’s an idiot that almost got his brother killed.
Gabriel is at a loss. He’s trying to keep his family together but people keep getting hurt. He’s a doctor but nothing prepared him for this! And he can’t seem to keep his cool around Arden. She’s beautiful in a way he’s never seen and he can’t stop thinking about her. But first, they need to learn about what’s going on in the world, where are his parents, why did the power go out and how far does it extend.
I enjoy Alysa Cole’s books and this was no different. It’s not as smooth as her current books but I believe this was written early on in her career. Nonetheless, it’s written in such a way to draw you in and make you curious about the surrounding cast of family and how they’re going to deal with everything going silent.
Radio Silence is jam packed with things that I love! It's got an interracial romance! It's got friendship! It's got enemies to lovers! And it's got my favorite Romance trope stranded together! Although, Arden and Gabriel aren't just stranded together. They're trying to survive whatever the heck is happening outside which forced them together. Arden and her best friend, John, left their apartment to head to the safety of his family's cabin. Of course, they hit trouble, John's brother thankfully rescues them, but that's not the end of their problems.
I really enjoyed Radio Silence. Arden is so feisty! I was annoyed with her at one point, but so was Gabriel. She made a really stupid decision, which is why when the book opens, she and John are on death's door. But she quickly grew on me, as did all of the other characters. I loved watching this little family unit knit together. It had been just Arden and John for weeks, but now they're with his older brother and younger sister, and everyone just comes together and does whatever it takes to make sure they all make it through this.
At first I was a little bummed that we get no details about what's happening in Radio Silence, but then I started to really like that we don't. It's much more realistic that way. How would Arden know anything when the power is out so there's no internet access, news, or radio? She wouldn't! This makes the tension that much higher, because everyone is just so high strung worrying about what the heck happened!
The romance was also really good. Gabriel is understandably annoyed and upset with Arden for putting his brother in that precarious situation. However, he is a doctor and sees that she's hurt and tends to her. That scene! We don't know what he's thinking, since this is all from Arden's POV, but let's just say she's having less than patiently feelings toward her caregiver. And they argue like crazy! Which of course leads to kissing and more as they're forced into each other's presence for weeks on end.
There is a slight mystery plot, which I wasn't quite that into. John and Gabriel's parents went missing while John and Arden were on their way. Obviously, Gabriel didn't know they were coming, so he never went to look for their parents because he couldn't leave their sister home alone in this chaos. Having someone there, means he can finally go look for them. It's not a bad plot, but it did leave me with unanswered questions at the end.
Radio Silence was a great read! All of the elements that I love worked really well together. The ending is a bit rushed and felt a little incomplete, but it did leave me eager to read the next book!
This was an entertaining and quick read. However, if you're looking for the type of dystopian fiction with romantic elements - one that lean to the literary side of the equation, this book is not for you. It's a genre romance book. Romance is the focus, and the outside circumstances skirt along the edges of it and are not delved into in any descriptive or interior way outside of how the main characters feel about their circumstances. Which is why I could not give it a higher rating. I felt it lacked balance. Like the dystopian crisis was simply a hook or window dressing to give the illusion the book was something more than it is. That doesn't mean it's not worth your time. Just know that this a genre romance book with a predictable end. The romance is the center of the story. Not the external circumstances.
My verdict = 3.9 (story and technique)

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